Get to know the UK by learning about their favorite things. This book attempts to answer a simple question: What are Great Britain's favorite things? Using surveys, polls, market research, and bestseller lists it looks at everything from computer games to crisps, diets to dog names, poems to playground games. The picture of Britain that emerges is sometimes familiar, often surprising, and always fascinating. As a nation they currently drink more Buckfast Tonic Wine than Harvey's Bristol Cream, they enjoy their first snack of the day at 10:37am, and their preferred biscuit to dunk in their tea is McVitie's Chocolate Digestive. And while they are now more likely to read their newspaper online than on paper, their nation is still baffled by some aspects of the twenty-first century. The most asked question last year on one internet search engine was "What is Twitter?"—only slightly ahead of "Is Lady GaGa a man?"